Around the World


When it was revealed that Grade 7 had trouble with geography, the Around the World project was born. First, I traced a map of the world (thanks to our handy projector) onto a very, very large canvas. Then our artists had to pick a country they had never been to, research five interesting facts about their chosen country, and share these facts with the class (did you know that the potato originally comes from Peru? There are over 3000 different varieties! Blue ones too!).


Next, Grade 7 selected a traditional pattern, motif, or design from a culture within the country, and paint that pattern inside its borders on the map. The project has been met with enthusiasm and our artists have generated much envy from upper grades. So Grade 8 joined in:


Hey, Grade 8s! Since you are in the midst of the Renaissance— did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci submitted a plan for a bridge across Istanbul’s Golden Horn in 1502? Sadly, it was never built.

Check out the progress we have made:

7map001 7map002

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